by shaunstenning | Jul 24, 2023 | Blog, Professional Overview, Shaun Stenning
As an entrepreneur, networking is an essential skill that can significantly impact the success of your business. It involves building meaningful connections with people who can support your venture, provide valuable insights, or even become potential clients. However,...
by shaunstenning | Jul 24, 2023 | Blog, Professional Overview, Shaun Stenning
In uncertain times like these, many of us seek a sense of control, peace of mind, and greater meaning in our lives. One way to achieve this is through charitable giving, as it allows us to express ourselves, support the causes we care about, and make a positive impact...
by shaunstenning | Jan 19, 2023 | Professional Overview, Shaun Stenning
For a leader to be successful, they must have respect. It cannot be assumed that simply being in a leadership role means respect is automatically granted; it must be earned. Without it, authority can be easily undermined, and colleagues will be less likely to trust in...
by shaunstenning | Dec 15, 2022 | Professional Overview, Shaun Stenning
The health of your company culture, the communication between leaders and teams, and the effectiveness of your managers all have a direct impact on employee morale. When employees feel supported and taken care of by their employer, morale will be high. This year has...
by shaunstenning | Sep 9, 2022 | Professional Overview, Shaun Stenning
Emotional intelligence is a vastly underrated skill that most people use daily without realizing it. It is the ability to be aware of one’s emotions – and to understand the feelings of others. Those with high emotional intelligence are more likely to have...